Due to the extreme cold, school and buses will run 2 hours late tomorrow, Wednesday, Feb. 19th.

Due to the extreme cold, there will be no 21st Century tonight (Tuesday, February 18th, 2025). Students will be coming home on the 3:30 bus.

Due to the extreme cold, Four Winds school and buses will run 2 hours late tomorrow, Tuesday, Feb. 18th.

No 21st Century tonight, (Wednesday, February 12th, 2025) due to the cold weather.

No 21st Century tonight, (Tuesday, February 11th, 2025) due to the continued extreme cold warning.

Due to the extreme cold warning, there will be no 21st Century tonight (Monday, February 10th, 2025) and no 5:30 buses. Expect students home on the 3:30 bus route.

Today, Thursday, February 6th. Four Winds will be released after all students have been fed lunch. Be prepared for them to be home shortly.

A nationwide breach involving PowerSchool’s support portal has impacted some student and teacher data. Please refer to the article posted on our website for all the information on this announcement.

The 21st Parent/family Christmas Party will be rescheduled. We will send out a notice in January with the new date. All 21st students will be going home on the bus after school.

Due to icy road conditions School & Buses will be running 1 hour late tomorrow, Monday, December 16th, 2024. Doors will be open at 9am. Conditions will be reevaluated in the morning.

Bus 1 will be running about 1 hour late today, Wednesday, December 11th 2024

Bus 3 will be about 45 minutes late today. December 5th, 2024

School & Buses will be running at normal time today, December 4th, 2024.

School & Buses will be running at normal time tomorrow, November 21st, 2024.

There will be a virtual learning day on Wednesday, November 20th due to anticipated weather. Student devices were sent home today. They are required to be logged on and will follow their virtual learning schedules.

Due to the winter storm warning, there will be NO 21st Century After School Programming tonight, Tuesday, November 19th, 2024.

Today Wednesday November 13th, bus 2 is running 1 hour late. Please have your kids ready an hour after normal pickup time.

Monday is Indigenous Peoples' Day. Four Winds does have school and we invite students to wear their ribbon skirts and ribbon shirts.

Due to the weather, the driveways off of the main roads have become extremely muddy. The buses are causing damage to the driveways and the Roads Department has requested that the buses stay on the main roads. Buses will only travel where possible. Please meet buses at the approaches.

After-School Programs Cancelled Today
NO AFTER-SCHOOL PROGRAMS TODAY due to a bus driver shortage this evening. 21st Century, Basketball, Detention, Etc.